ND in the News: April 2022

March 2022 April 2022 May 2022

  1. Shielding EU energy users from high prices may backfire, warn economists

    “This is terrible economics,” said Rüdiger Bachmann, economics professor at the University of Notre Dame. “You want the price mechanism to have its effect, by signalling that a good is scarce, so people decide if they want to change their behaviour.” 

    ND Experts

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    Ruediger Bachmann


  2. Several restaurant CEOs have joined the Great Resignation. Here are 6 chains with new leaders

    “A lot of people, when the pandemic hit, had to spend more time at home with their families. My sense is for a lot of chief executive officers, it was the opposite,” said Timothy Hubbard, an assistant management professor at University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. 

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    Timothy David Hubbard

    Timothy Hubbard

    Mendoza College of Business

  3. Links: Starbucks' union fight; overheated inflation; New York skyscrapers

    Some great news from the University of Notre Dame: Historian John McGreevy has been elected the school's provost.

  4. A bunny, eggs and Jesus: How Easter became a holiday full of symbolism

    "It's the church's highest feast, because, without it, there will be no church," Ulrich Lehner, theology professor at the University of Notre Dame, told USA TODAY. 

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    Ulrich Lehner Portrait

    Ulrich Lehner

    Department of Theology

  5. Prayer apps are popular, but users cautioned to review privacy policies

    Kirsten Martin, director of the Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center at the University of Notre Dame, expressed concern for apps based on “this idea of selling a point of vulnerability to others that don’t have our interest in mind.”

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    Kirsten Martin

    Kirsten Martin

    Mendoza College of Business

  6. UPDATE: Donnelly presents credentials as U.S. ambassador to Holy See

    In the video, Donnelly also said he and his family “are proud to be members of the Catholic faith. From my childhood through my university and law school years at the University of Notre Dame, through years of public service in Indiana and Washington, D.C., the Catholic Church has been a core part of my life and my values.”

  7. News Briefing: Church in the World

    The US University of Notre Dame will be conferring the 2022 Laetare Medal on environmental justice activist Sharon Lavigne, founder of Rise St. James. 

  8. Fox Weather

    Are MLB ballpark prices a hit with baseball fans?


    Richard Sheehan, professor of finance emeritus at the University of Notre Dame, details how weather plays a role in ticket prices.

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    Richard Sheehan

    Mendoza College of Business

  9. Catholic award for Louisiana environmental justice advocate

    A retired special education teacher turned environmental justice advocate will receive what the University of Notre Dame describes as the oldest and most prestigious honor for American Catholics.

  10. War crime charges may not be enough to deter Putin — even as evidence of Russian atrocities mounts

    “International condemnation or war crimes threats will have little effect on Russian behavior. This is nothing new for them,” said Bob Latiff, adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame, citing previous offenses in Syria and Chechnya...“The crimes are increasing resolve among Ukraine’s existing supporters to continue and even step-up military assistance and economic pressure. But ending the war will require a bigger coalition of support — reaching China, India, and others,” Mary Ellen O’Connell, professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, said.

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    Mary Ellen O'Connell

    Notre Dame Law School

  11. Reclaiming the Catholic moral and intellectual tradition from the culture wars

    More recently, however, the language has become more expansive. Take, for example, University of Notre Dame political scientist Patrick Deneen

  12. The Bitcoin Mining Showdown In New York’s Wine Country

    “One thing the Greenridge story really highlights is the materiality of these technologies,” says Elizabeth Renieris, professor of tech ethics at the University of Notre Dame, “Just as with the conversations around data, AI, and cloud computing before, blockchain and cryptocurrencies often rely on ethereal terms … to obscure the physical and material impacts of the tech, including, in this case, very real environmental and social impacts.”

  13. Ukraine: As Russia faces ‘genocide’ charge, experts urge caution

    “In public discourse, there’s a tendency to treat genocide as the worst of all crimes,” said Ernesto Verdeja, an associate professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame. 

  14. Standing Up for Central American Higher Ed

    Estela Rivero and Tom Hare are co-directors of the Central America Research Alliance at the University of Notre Dame’s Pulte Institute for Global Development.