ND in the News: May 2022

April 2022 May 2022 June 2022

  1. El Espectador

    Elections: What should be the peace priorities for the new government? (Elecciones: ¿Cuáles deben ser las prioridades de la paz para el nuevo gobierno?)

    Based on this goal, Mateo Gómez Vásquez, technical leader of research at the Kroc Institute, explains that "30% of the provisions of the Agreement are progressing at a good pace, such as the ceasefire protocols, the laying down of weapons and other commitments to short term..." (Con base en esa meta, Mateo Gómez Vásquez, líder técnico de Investigación del Instituto Kroc, explica que “el 30 % de disposiciones del Acuerdo marchan a un buen ritmo, como los protocolos de cese al fuego, la dejación de armas y otros compromisos a corto plazo...")

  2. France 24

    Consolidating peace, the challenge of the next president of Colombia (Consolidar la paz, el desafío del próximo mandatario de Colombia)

    "We registered 37% of the provisions in a 'minimum' state of implementation, that is, they have started but just barely, and the challenge is to guarantee that, to begin with, they pass to the 'intermediate' state," Gerard Martin, Peace Accords Matrix representative in Colombia, tells France 24. ("Registramos 37% de las disposiciones en un estado 'mínimo' de implementación, es decir, han iniciado pero apenas, y el reto es garantizar que, por empezar, pasen al estado 'intermedio'", dice a France 24 Gerard Martin, analista miembro de la institución.)

  3. Americans' erratic relationship with religion will be tested again after abortion ruling, experts say

    A large reason for the increase of religiously unaffiliated Americans is the rising role of religion in politics, primarily within the Republican Party, according to Geoff Layman, the chair of the department of political science at the University of Notre Dame.

    ND Experts

    Professor Layman has salt-and-pepper colored hair, mustache and beard, and wears a dark blue blazer and tie over a white shirt.

    Geoffrey Layman

    Department of Political Science

  4. Trump’s ‘big lie’ hits cinemas: the film claiming to investigate voter fraud

    Aaron Striegel, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Notre Dame, told the Associated Press: “You could use cellular evidence to say this person was in that area, but to say they were at the ballot box, you’re stretching it a lot. There’s always a pretty healthy amount of uncertainty that comes with this.”

    ND Experts

    Aaron Striegel Expert3

    Aaron Striegel

    Computer Science and Engineering

  5. El Tiempo

    François de Roux or the shining truth (Francisco de Roux o la verdad resplandeciente)

    The documented Kroc study did not rule out that, in the implementation of such a complex peace agreement, critical issues related to security and protection guarantees for human rights defenders, social leaders and ex-combatants, as well as political participation and implementation of the appropriate mechanisms would arise. (El documentado estudio de Kroc no descartó que, en la implementación de un acuerdo de paz tan complejo, se presentaran temas críticos relacionados con garantías de seguridad y protección para los defensores de derechos humanos, líderes sociales y los excombatientes, así como en la participación política y puesta en marcha de los mecanismos adecuados.)

  6. Abortion brawl draws Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy on Roe v. Wade into the spotlight

    "I think that the equal protection arguments that you see developed in scholarship wouldn't get off the ground," said Sherif Girgis, a former Alito clerk and professor at Notre Dame Law School.

  7. Javelin missiles are in short supply and restocking them won't be easy


     Notre Dame professor Eugene Gholz says it's one of almost two dozen Army-run plants across the country that make and refurbish military hardware.

    ND Experts

    Eugene Gholz

    Charles Gholz

    Political Science

  8. The Real Reason Biden Won’t be Able to Fix the Baby Formula Crisis

    Though it has existed since the late 19th century, most parents who chose not to breast-feed fed their babies condensed milk, rather than infant formula, into the 1960s, according to a paper written for the USDA by a University of Notre Dame professor, David Betson.

  9. A divided Colombia is poised to elect its first leftist president

    Just 4% of the land-reform measures mandated in the accord have been put in place since it was signed, according to the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

  10. Florida Lab to Mimic Category 6 Hurricanes with 200-Mile-per-Hour Wind

    The facility will host scientists not just from FIU but also from eight other research institutions: the University of Florida; Georgia Tech; Oregon State University; Stanford University; the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; the University of Notre Dame; Colorado State University; and Wayne State University.

  11. When does atrocity rise to the level of genocide?

    “The question is, do the Russians intend to destroy Ukrainian identity as a national group, which would qualify under genocide law?” says Ernesto Verdeja, who teaches political science and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

    ND Experts

    Ernesto Verdeja

    Ernesto Verdeja

    Keough School of Global Affairs

  12. Russian sentenced to life in Ukraine's 1st war crimes trial

    Mary Ellen O’Connell, an expert on international law at the University of Notre Dame, said that putting Shishimarin on trial could prove “extremely detrimental to Ukrainian soldiers in the hands of Russia.”

    ND Experts

    Mary Ellen O Connell 350 New

    Mary Ellen O'Connell

    Notre Dame Law School

  13. One billionaire was minted every 30 hours during the pandemic. Now, a million people may fall into extreme poverty every 33 hours, Oxfam estimates.

    In January 2021, 8.1 million Americans entered into poverty, Insider's Ayelet Sheffey reported, citing a study by the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame economists.