Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Benediction

Author: Sue Lister

First, let us join in prayer.

Lord, we thank you for the gifts of learning and discovery, and the knowledge and understanding they engender. We at Notre Dame are dedicated to cultivating these gifts.

We thank you for our graduates, the class of 2023, who have learned and grown here at Notre Dame, and for the privilege we have had of walking with them.  

We thank you for the parents, guardians, spouses and families of these graduates, and for the love and support they have given to bring our students to this day.  

We ask for your special guidance and protection for these graduates as they go forth and use what they have learned at Notre Dame to heal, enlighten and unify a world deeply in need.  

And we ask Notre Dame, Our Lady, to walk with and intercede for these graduates on their journeys, so that, in the words of her prayer, their souls may magnify the Lord and their spirit may rejoice in God.

We pray this in your name, Amen.