Matthew Hall

Political Science

2040C Jenkins And Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556
+1 574-631-4270

David A. Potenziani Memorial Professor of Constitutional Studies; Director, Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy

  • Politics in the workplace: how political interactions and values influence organizational behavior; how workplace experiences influence political attitudes and behavior
  • Supreme Court: nominations, deliberations, processes, Big Five personality traits of Justices, interactions between Justices, efficacy and implementation of rulings
  • Democracy: the Constitution, democratic culture, anti-democratic attitudes, and threats to American democracy
  • American politics: polarization, political persuasion, and political personality

Hall’s Latest News

Hall in the News

Loss of Supreme Court legitimacy can lead to political violence

By Matthew Hall, Professor of Constitutional Studies, Political Science and Law, University of Notre Dame.

Political rhetoric changes views on democratic principles, study finds

The study, "Norm-violating rhetoric undermines support for participatory inclusiveness and political equality among Trump supporters," was recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Matthew E.K. Hall, the David A. Potenziani Memorial College Professor of Constitutional Studies, professor of political science and director of Notre Dame's Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, along with his co-author James N. Druckman of Northwestern University.

What does Kevin McCarthy being 'ousted' mean for the future?


Jeff Harden, American Political Science Professor at Notre Dame, says this momentous decision was not simply red versus blue. Matthew Hall, American Politics Professor at Notre Dame, said his jaw dropped watching this go down.

Joe Biden's Approval Rating Among Independents Is Alarming for Democrats

Independents were also crucial in deciding the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, according to the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy at the University of Notre Dame. Matthew Hall, director of the Rooney Center, pointed to partisan loyalty in a statement about independents' role in the midterms, saying: "In today's highly polarized environment, voters are very loyal to their preferred political party. As a result, elections are almost entirely determined by voter turnout and independent voters."

Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Divorce' From Reality | Opinion

Matthew Hall is the director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy and the David A. Potenziani Memorial College Professor of Constitutional Studies at the University of Notre Dame

Colwell: Given hellish political climate, does democracy stand a snowball's chance?

Professor Matthew Hall, Rooney Center director, warned of dangers to democracy when the Notre Dame survey results were released in November.

Midterm Madness Makes for a Dramatic '22 Election

"In a typical midterm election, the question is who will control Congress for the next two years," with voters commonly slapping down the party in power and forcing a party realignment in the legislative branch, says Matthew Hall, director of Notre Dame's Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.

The Conversation

Fact check: Mike Pence did not have the power to overturn 2020 election results, keep Trump in office

"Any claim that the vice president can unilaterally overturn the results of a presidential election is patently absurd,” Matthew Hall, a professor of constitutional studies and political science at the University of Notre Dame said via email.

Jan 6, 2025: The day democracy dies?

Matthew E. K. Hall is the David A. Potenziani Memorial College Professor of Constitutional Studies, Professor of Political Science, Concurrent Professor of Law, and Director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy at the University of Notre Dame.