Timothy Loughran



C. R. Smith Professor of Finance

  • Behavioral finance
  • Market microstructure
  • Equity investing

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Loughran in the News

Say No to YES

A reader pointed me to this paper, by Margaret Forster, Tim Loughran and Bill McDonald at Notre Dame, about “Commonality in Codes of Ethics.”

A 2011 dictionary is reshaping the language of corporate reporting

Not all of these downloaders wanted to wring trading intelligence out of these texts, said Tim Loughran, a professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame; many are programmers searching for meaty data sets and documents on which they can train their algorithms.

Robo-surveillance shifts tone of CEO earnings calls

Not coincidentally, 2011 was when Tim Loughran and Bill McDonald, two finance professors at the University of Notre Dame, first published a more detailed, finance-specific dictionary that has become popular as a training tool for NLP algorithms.