Mark Schurr



Professor of Anthropology

  • Archaeology of eastern north america
  • Evolution of social organizations

Schurr in the News

From prehistoric pottery to beer cans, dig at Collier Lodge is a lesson in revealing history

The group, comprised of volunteers brought together by the Kankakee Valley Historical Society and Notre Dame Anthropology Professor Mark Schurr, have opened up three units since the dig began last Tuesday.

New techniques being used to analyze finds at Collier Lodge

New archaeological techniques are being used to analyze artifacts uncovered during digs at the Collier Lodge site along the Kankakee River. Mark Schurr, an anthropology professor at the University of Notre Dame, has led excavations at the site for 20 years.

Notre Dame professor plans another summer dig for Collier Lodge site in Kouts By Shelley Jones


The public is invited to an authentic Midwestern archaeological dig at the old Collier Lodge on the banks of the Kankakee River in Kouts this June. The Kankakee Valley Historical Society will again partner with the University of Notre Dame to conduct the dig at what is considered to be one of the most significant archaeological sites in Northwest Indiana. From 2002 to 2012 Notre Dame Professor of Anthropology Mark Schurr led yearly digs.