Ernesto Verdeja

Keough School of Global Affairs

O316 Hesburgh Center For International Studies
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Associate Professor of Peace Studies and Global Politics

  • Ways disinformation and fake news can be predictors of violence (physical, structural, hate speech, etc.) and mass atrocities
  • Political violence
  • Transitional justice
  • Forgiveness and reconciliation


Verdeja’s Latest News

Verdeja in the News

How to think through allegations of genocide in Gaza

“I don’t think it’s genocidal yet. I think it can easily be,” said Ernesto Verdeja, an associate professor of political science and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame. “At this point, it’s a little hard to put all the pieces together.”


Israel air strike kills and wounds dozens at Gaza refugee camp

Video Audio

Israeli airstrikes have hit apartment buildings in a refugee camp near Gaza City for a second day in a row, causing many deaths and injuries, while accusations of war crimes from the international community grow. We’re joined by Ernesto Verdeja, Associate Professor of Peace Studies and Global Politics at the University of Notre Dame.

Is What’s Happening in Gaza a Genocide? Experts Weigh In

“One has to prove that the perpetrator not only committed the actions, but they committed the actions with a very specific intention of destroying the group,” says Ernesto Verdeja, a professor at the University of Notre Dame who specializes in genocide. 

When does atrocity rise to the level of genocide?

“The question is, do the Russians intend to destroy Ukrainian identity as a national group, which would qualify under genocide law?” says Ernesto Verdeja, who teaches political science and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

Accountability for alleged war crimes in Ukraine likely a long way off

"(Investigations) take a long time because the evidentiary and judicial requirements are very, very high and they are extremely complex cases," said Ernesto Verdeja, executive director of the Institute for the Study of Genocide and associate professor of law at the University of Notre Dame.

Univision News

"Murderer dictator": Biden raises the tone against Putin and other US officials join the voices of condemnation


Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies Ernesto Verdeja is interviewed re: Ukraine and war crimes.

Experts say there's clear cut evidence of war crimes in Ukraine, but building a case against Putin will take years and it's unlikely he'll ever face justice

Hannah Garry, the director of the University of Southern California's International Human Rights Clinic, and Ernesto Verdeja, an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame, said the International Criminal Court is the most likely venue to prosecute Putin for war crimes. 

France 24

US sees genocides against Uyghurs and Armenians but consistency elusive

Ernesto Verdeja, an expert on genocide at the University of Notre Dame, said that general conceptions of genocide remained firmly tied to the specifics of the Holocaust, even though the legal definition is more universal.