Erin Corcoran

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Keough School of Global Affairs

1110E Jenkins And Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-9532

Executive Director, Associate Teaching Professor

  • U.S. immigration law and policy
  • Refugee and asylum law
  • Protection of vulnerable migrant populations
  • Human trafficking


Corcoran’s Latest News

Corcoran in the News


Biden signs order to limit border requests

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LiveNOW's Stephanie Coueignoux spoke with Erin B. Corcoran, the executive director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and associate teaching professor at the University of Notre Dame, to discuss Biden's plan to enact restrictions on migrants seeking asylum at the border.

US President Joe Biden clamps down the US-Mexican border


Joining us now to talk about the action is Erin Corcoran, a professor at the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame (at minute 2:38).

Stalled Legislation, Mixed Messages Spotlight Immigration as Key Election Issue

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Professor Erin Corcoran of the University of Notre Dame maintains that the current immigration legistalation before Congress is being delayed for policical purposes.

Brasil 247 | Portuguese

Anti-immigrant rhetoric grows in the US in election year

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Part of the anti-immigration rhetoric is the idea that immigrants enter the United States to commit crimes. But this is a flawed speech, according to Professor Erin Corcoran, immigration specialist at the Keough School. 

Senate border deal facing an unlikely path to passage amid resistance from both parties

“The thing about immigration is in some ways people can kind of grandstand on it, because the people that it affects are not voters. The people that we're talking about don't have a right to vote, so they don't have any political capital,” said Erin Corcoran, a professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs.

States defying Supreme Court concerns Notre Dame expert


If you’ve become more concerned about the recent escalating tensions between Texas and the federal government over how best to control the border, you’re not alone. Erin Corcoran, an immigration expert at the University of Notre Dame, also has been following the situation closely.

Biden vs. Johnson border standoff: Experts split on who has the authority to solve crisis

"U.S. immigration law is clearly a federal matter. Both Congress and the Executive Branch have roles to play," said Erin B. Corcoran, executive director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. "However, any permanent changes to federal laws or funding for immigration enforcement is the responsibility of Congress. Our immigration system is in need of significant congressional reform, and such reform must come from Congress."


Biden works with Senator on border deal

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Texas’ refusal to allow Border Patrol agents into a park along the U.S.-Mexico border is a new marker in the state’s deepening rift with the Biden administration over immigration. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is working with lawmakers to hammer out a border security funding plan — with Erin Corcoran, professor in the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. 


Border crisis expands as mayors plead for help

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Several U.S. mayors are asking for federal help amid a surge in migrants. Erin Corcoran, an associate professor with the University of Notre Dame, shares her thoughts on the developing situation.

New Texas immigration law puts state on collision course with federal government that could end at the Supreme Court

“If you're granted asylum in the United States, there's about 10 different documents that you could produce if you were stopped that would show that you, in fact, were granted asylum,” said Erin Corcoran, a professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. “To ask cops to understand all of those documents is a nightmare."

DACA faces another likely date with Supreme Court unless Congress steps in

“This (ruling) is really a signal to Congress, ‘If you guys really do think that this dreamer population is worthy of having some kind of immigration status, [then] you guys need to fix this legislatively,’” said Erin Corcoran, a professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs.

The Messenger

OPINION | We Must Reform the US Asylum System — And Help New York City

Erin B. Corcoran is a professor at Keough School of Global Affairs and the executive director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

The National Desk

Lack of action from Congress leaves the courts to dictate US immigration policy

“If one circuit court makes a decision about how a rule is supposed to be interpreted, the Seventh Circuit versus the Ninth circuit or the Third Circuit and the circuits have different views on how that's interpreted until the Supreme Court makes a decision of the circuit split in those jurisdictions,” said Erin Corcoran, a professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs.

NewsNation Now

Number of refugees entering US nears 5-year peak

The recent growth doesn’t come as a surprise to Erin Corcoran, a professor at the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. The climbing number of refugees underscores differences between the Trump and Biden administrations, she said.

Sarasota Herald-Tribune

DeSantis tight-lipped on migrant flights as experts ponder potential legal peril

Attorney Erin B. Corcoran, an immigration law expert and professor at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs, said DeSantis’ migrant flights raise significant legal issues.

Donald Trump Targets Children in New Immigration Plan

Erin B. Corcoran, associate teaching professor, Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame, told Newsweek that Trump would not have the legal authority for such an order as birthright citizenship is in the U.S. Constitution.

Trending Now | CHCH News (Canada)

Title 42 U.S. immigration policy has expired

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"There is a perception that the Southwest border is somehow under siege, which I think is just not factually true," said Erin Corcoran, associate professor, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame. "And I think that one of the other challenges is that there's a lot of misinformation for migrants about what they can and cannot get if they come into the U.S border."

El Mercurio (Subscription | Spanish)

Desperate crossings on the US southern border due to an imminent change in the immigration law

"Part of the proposal of the Biden administration is to create regional processing centers in other countries, including Guatemala and Colombia, and require that migrants first apply for asylum there. The international community, including the Human Rights Commission of the UN, is concerned that these measures contradict the obligations of the U.S. government to the Convention on the Statute of the Refugees of 1951 and will put refugees fleeing the gang violence and gender violence in the region of the The Northern Triangle at serious risk," said Erin Corcoran, an expert on immigration law from the University of Notre Dame (in Indiana).

LiveNOW from FOX

Title 42: What happens when it expires?

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A large number of migrants have rushed to the border ahead of the expiration of Title 42, which ends at midnight. Erin Corcoran with the University of Notre Dame joined LiveNOW from FOX's Josh Breslow to break down the basics of the regulation and what happens next.

Title 42 ends next week, leaving questions about the future of US immigration policy

“In some ways they’re not relying on Title 42 authority anymore, but they’re still pushing people back,” said Erin Corcoran, the acting director for the Kroc Institute [for] International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

Democrats Double Down on Break With Joe Biden Over Migrants at Border

Erin Corcoran, the executive director for the Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, told Newsweek on Sunday that the Biden administration extending Title 42 would be "short-sighted" because it would put asylum seekers and those seeking protection from human trafficking at risk.

DeSantis Flying Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard May Have Violated Federal Law, Experts Say

Professor Erin B. Corcoran of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies tells Rolling Stone that, like anyone in the U.S., migrants who are not being held in custody cannot be transported without voluntary and informed consent. “Consent is making a decision with full information and without duress,” she explains. “States can’t physically move immigrants like federal immigration authorities can. They can move people around if they have them in custody. States don’t have the authority to do that.”

Check Your Fact

Fact check: Viral post claims border agents can enter anyone’s home within 100 miles of the border without a warrant

“The Supreme Court did not rule on the search itself rather whether the plaintiff could sue for damages under the common law Bivens doctrine,” Erin Corcoran, Executive Director for the Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies, told Check Your Fact.

News Nation Now

Biden discussing Title 42 extension as expiration looms

But professor Erin Corcoran, executive director for Notre Dame’s Institute of International Peace Studies, says the White House should end Title 42 since the CDC says it’s no longer necessary from a public health perspective.


Biden aims to 'preserve and fortify' DACA amid legal challenges

“What Judge Hanen held was that the Obama DACA order most likely would not survive judicial scrutiny because the way in which he went about creating it violated the Administrative Procedure Act,” said Erin Corcoran, executive director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

Vega (Brazil)

Biden's change of route in US immigration policy (A mudança de rota de Biden na política de imigração dos EUA)

“It is not exactly a question of opening the gate. But it sends the message that we are going to grant basic legal rights and be respectful to immigrants," says Erin Corcoran, director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at ND. (“Não se trata exatamente de abrir a porteira. Mas passa a mensagem de que vamos conceder direitos legais básicos e ser respeitosos com imigrantes”, afirma Erin Corcoran, diretora do Instituto Kroc de Estudos Internacionais de Paz, da Universidade Notre Dame.)