“What’s Next?” Week helps students plan undergraduate years

Author: Notre Dame News

What's Next

The University of Notre Dame Career Center and College of Arts and Letters are hosting the second annual “What’s Next?” Week for Arts and Letters majors this week (Oct. 4 to 7), featuring representatives from companies such as AT&T, Cummins, Department of Homeland Security, eLoyalty, Google, Keurig, McKinsey, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Starcom, Target, The Orr Fellowship, and Towers Film Production.

The week-long event will focus on helping Arts and Letters majors to think about what’s next in their future careers. The philosophy behind “What’s Next?” Week is to have a series of academic and career information sessions designed to help Arts and Letters majors find jobs, internships and graduate opportunities.

Evening workshops and roundtables will include presentations from faculty, alumni and recruiters discussing topics ranging from graduate and professional schools to landing a job or internship.

The Career Center also will offer Arts and Letters majors the opportunity to apply for special funding to help sponsor their summer internships during the summer of 2011. In 2010, the Career Center implemented the Rogers Arts and Letters Internship Program, the Global Internship Initiative, INC@ND, Alumni Legacy Fund and the Gluck Pioneer Internship Program. These programs sponsored more than 80 Arts and Letters majors with up to $3,000 in living expenses to participate in internships with adidas, NBC Sports, Goldman Sachs, the U.S. Department of State and more.

“We encourage students to explore a variety of opportunities early in their careers at Notre Dame so they can truly pursue any path that interests them after graduation,” said Lee Svete, director of the Career Center. “The events of ‘What’s Next?’ Week aim to give Arts and Letters students an edge in a competitive market by providing information about a number of post-graduate options in addition to internship, research and fellowship opportunities."

A complete schedule of events is available online or by calling the Career Center at 574-631-5200.