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Symposium to examine role of religion in public schools

Author: Liquid error: internal

Law scholars will convene April 15 (Tuesday) at the University of Notre Dame for a symposium titled “Religion in the Public Schools: Debating Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design.” Sponsored by the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics&Public Policy, the event is free and open to the public.p. The symposium will begin with a keynote address by Kent Greenawalt, university professor at the Columbia University School of Law. Titled “Religion in Public Schools: The Establishment Clause Versus Intelligent Design,” the lecture will begin at 6 p.m. in the auditorium of Notre Dame’s Hesburgh Center for International Studies.p. Greenawalt’s academic interests include constitutional law and jurisprudence, with a special emphasis on church and state, freedom of speech, civil disobedience, and criminal responsibility. He is a former president of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy and a member of the American Philosophical Society.p. Other featured speakers will be Gerard V. Bradley, professor of law at Notre Dame and Steven K. Green, associate professor of law at Willamette University College of Law and special counsel for Americans United for Separation of Church and State. The discussion will be moderated by Richard W. Garnett, associate professor of law at Notre Dame.p. The Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics&Public Policy is involved in directly analyzing legal and public policy issues from an ethical perspective. Directed to an audience of scholars and people actively involved in the formation of public policy, the journal is published semi-annually in a symposium format. Each issue addresses a single policy topic and includes timely speeches, essays and articles from a broad spectrum of noted scholars and prominent policy makers. Also included are articles based on the extensive research of some of Notre Dame’s top law students.p.

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