Freshman class most academically accomplished

Author: Shannon Roddel


The University of Notre Dames 2,000-member freshman class, selected from a pool of 13,948 applicants, is the most academically accomplished in University history.

The students arrived on campus with an average SAT score of 140516 points higher than last years freshmen who represented an all-time highand 72 percent were ranked in the top five of their graduating classes.

Other notable statistics on the freshman class:

• The male-female ratio is 52-48 percent, respectively.

• 83 percent are Catholic.

• 24 percent are the children of alumni.

• 20 percent are ethnic minorities (9.5 percent Hispanic, 6.5 percent Asian, 3 percent African-American, 1 percent Native American).

• 79 percent receive some type of financial aid; 43 percent receive University aid.

• 90 percent were involved as high-schoolers in community service.

• 64 percent lettered in varsity athletics.

• 10 percent were president of their student government.

• 11 percent were editor of their school publication.

• 47 percent participated in the performing arts.

• 42 percent attended Catholic high schools.

• 48 percent attended public high schools.

• 10 percent attended private high schools.

• The class is geographically diverse40 percent from the Midwest; 22 percent from the Northeast; 12 percent from the West; 12 percent from the Southeast; 10 percent from the Southwest; and 3 percent are international students.

TopicID: 29526