Chemistry, biochemistry and biology program receives NIH training grant

Author: William G. Gilroy


A University of Notre Dame program that trains graduate students in an interdisciplinary environment at the interface of chemistry, biochemistry and biology has received a $1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

With this award, Notre Dame joins a select group of 20 institutions that have received NIH training grants, among them the University of California, Berkeley, Cornell, Yale and the University of Chicago.

The Chemistry-Biochemistry-Biology Interface (CBBI) Program offers Notre Dame students the opportunity to fulfill the academic requirements of their home program while receiving significant cross-training in a complementary discipline. CBBI trainees are offered special research training opportunities through participation in an extended internship in industry, a government laboratory, or another laboratory at Notre Dame and/or another academic institution.

Further interdisciplinary interactions are promoted through biweekly CCBI meetings in which students present and discuss their research. The students also select, invite and host external seminar speakers during the academic year and for an annual off-campus retreat.

The CBBI program is open to graduate students enrolled in a doctoral program in chemistry, biochemistry or biology. Students conducting research in CBBI laboratories are eligible for support by a CBBI training grant from the NIH. Students accepted into the program receive full financial support including tuition, stipends, health insurance and travel funds. Appointments to the program are for one year, renewable for up to three years.

Fifteen faculty members in the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biological Sciences participate in the CBBI program.

Five CBBI fellowships were awarded this year, and 59 have been awarded over the past fiveyears period.

Contact: Marvin Miller, CBBIprogram director, 574-631-7571, " "

TopicID: 24289