World AIDS Day to be observed on campus

Author: Michael O. Garvey


Panel discussions, fund-raising efforts and prayers concerning the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic will be held next week (Nov. 28 to Dec. 2) at the University of Notre Dame.The events are being sponsored by Notre Dames Center for Social Concerns in observance of the United Nations World AIDS Day, Dec.1.

A panel discussion onCatholicism and the Fight Against AIDSwill be held at7 p.m.Wednesday (Nov. 30) in the LaFortune Center Ballroom.The discussion will concern the local and global responses of Catholic individuals and organizations to the epidemic.Topics will include the complexity of the Catholic response, Catholic teaching pertaining to the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and controversies surrounding the use of condoms.The panelists will be Rev. Paulinus Odozor, associate professor of theology at Notre Dame; Rev. James Foster, C.S.C, M.D., associate professional specialist in Notre Dames Department of Pre-professional Studies; and Adrienne Curry, director of Catholic Relief Services in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

A panel discussion onAIDS in the 21st Centurywill be held at7 p.m.Thursday (Dec.1) in the LaFortune Center Ballroom.Participants will examine the effects of HIV/AIDS in local and global communities and the efforts of individuals, private businesses and policymakers to combat it.Topics will include the responsibilities of research and pharmaceutical companies, the roles of the G8 conference and the United Nations, and efforts to combat AIDS in theSouth Bendcommunity.The panelists will be Maura Ryan, associate professor of theology at Notre Dame; Jackie Smith, associate professor of sociology at Notre Dame; and Debra Stanley, of South Bends AIDS Ministries/AIDS Assist.

A Rosary for victims of HIV/AIDS worldwide will be said at6:45 p.m.Friday(Dec. 2) at Notre Dames Grotto.

Throughout the week, World AIDS Day T-shirts will be offered for sale on the first floor of theLaFortuneCenter.Proceeds from the sale will be given to Catholic Relief Services to support its ministries to victims of AIDS.

* Contact: * _Christopher DeStephano at 574-634-1798 or _

TopicID: 14703